Claims Initiation for an Employee


Short Term and Long term Disability Claims


•  Complete and forward the Claimant's Statement to Fenchurch General Insurance Company as soon as practicable.
•  Complete Section 1 of the Attending Physicians Report, take this to your physician and ask him to complete Section 2.
•  Forward the completed Attending Physician's report to Fenchurch as soon as practicable.




•  Attending Physicians Report
•  Authorization for Release of Information
•  Claimants Statement
•  Direct Deposit Authorization
•  Supplemental Medical Information Request




LTD Application Guide




Should you wish to initiate the appeal process related to the decision of your claim, please complete the following documents and submit via fax or email.

•  Employee Appeal Statement
•  Supplemental Medical Information Appeal Request


Frequently Asked Questions

Who will be reviewing my application for disability benefits?
A member of the Fenchurch General Insurance Company Ability Management will be allocated to handle your application and he/she will remain the prime contact throughout the duration of the claim.
How long will it take for me to receive a decision on an application?
Once a complete file is received, our goal is to adjudicate and inform you of our decision within 5 working days for a Short Term Disability claim and 10 working days for a Long Term Disability claim.
What happens if the claim file is incomplete?
We will endeavour to collect any missing information as quickly as possible. During this process your claim will be designated as pending.
What is the most common cause of a delay in adjudication?
The most common cause for delay is the time it takes for the attending physician to return his report. Often such reports are vague, have information missing or are illegible. This can cause considerable delay.
What happens if my application is declined?
You will have the opportunity to appeal our decision and can supply additional information to support that appeal. Such additional information is not confined to medical information; any background to the circumstances can be provided

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