Employers and Group Sponsors


We offer a number of ways to help you manage your cost or the cost that your workers pay for short and long term disability. You can choose traditional disability plans or modernized plans that respond to the unique risks in your group. You can choose fixed or salary based benefits, different payment periods, sickness and accident plans or accident only. Or a combination of those options.


For the worker we offer support in claims management. Our team is focussed on helping everyone who is on disability to get back to work. Our claims offices provide a case manager for each person on disability who is the single point of contact. That case manager then provides access to a multi-disciplinary team of professionals to assist in all aspects of their claim. We know that people want to work and provide Early Intervention and Return To Work Planning to help those who have claimed.



Frequently Asked Questions

Why Fenchurch General Insurance Company?

Fenchurch has demonstrated proven expertise working with their partners to preserve your benefits programs and stabilize premiums while providing superior customer service to your employees. Fenchurch is the steward of you and your employee’s premium dollars.

What can my employee’s expect if they have a claim?

Our case managers are communicative and timely in response to all queries. Upon submission of completed claim forms, a decision will be rendered within 5 business days for Short Term Disability Benefits and 10 business days for Long Term Disability Benefits. Communication standards are 24hr / same business day for all calls and emails. Our decisions are thoroughly detailed and instructions/next steps are clearly communicated. 

We’d love to hear from you, Contact us today by filling out the form below!

You deserve more than mediocre, cookie-cutter insurance policies. Contact our team at Fenchurch General today and receive custom-tailored, cost-effective insurance solutions that will propel you towards financial success. You are one-of-a-kind and your insurance solution should be too!

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